Adjustable black leather shoulder strap.
Length: cm. 70 to cm. 85.
Width: cm. 2.
Logo-ed terminals, polished metallic silver finish.
Interchangeable shoulder strap for:
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FREE SHIPPING for orders over 160 €.
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Adjustable black leather shoulder strap.
Length: cm. 70 to cm. 85.
Width: cm. 2.
Logo-ed terminals, polished metallic silver finish.
Interchangeable shoulder strap for:
Tempi di consegna in Italia 3/5 giorni.
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DAMPAÌ s.r.l. unipersonale
Sede legale via Arnaldo da Brescia 4 - 57031 Capoliveri (LI)
C.F./P.IVA 01683990491 - Capitale sociale euro 30.000,00 i.v. R.E.A. 148777
Registro Imprese di Livorno n. 148777